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Ancien prix C$22,95
Le prix n'inclut pas la TVA ni la livraison .

Évaluations client de 305

Nombre d'évaluations: 4
Note moyenne: 5
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à partir de le 11/06/2020
I've been dealing with Red Skin Syndrome (aka Topical Steroid Withdrawal) since 2016, and the Neem Oil Cream (along with the Neem Oil Cream) have been the only moisturisers thus far that have actually help sooth my skin and reduce inflammation. THANK YOU!!
à partir de le 20/06/2018
Best topical pain relieving product I’ve ever used!
Very healing cream!
à partir de le 03/02/2016
I purchased this cream for my Mom who has been suffering from arthritis in her hands. She has been using the Arnica Cream combined with Biovera's Wellness Balm and is feeling a difference. That says a lot because my Mom has tried many different lotions with no success and was skeptical if this would work. And it does! The cream is not oily and absorbs well. I see purchasing a lot of this cream in the future!

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